lunedì 28 gennaio 2008


Date: 05/14/05 15:04:50

A letter from Magdalena to Mr. William Henry and Sir Laurence Gardner:

I am not a harlot and I never have been.

I am Prime Creator Source.

The Magdalene,

Direct Extension of Original Feminine Principle,

First Cause.

Good After Noon.

I have always been the singular and only direct oracle for

First Cause, Feminine Principle,

Prime Creator Source.

You may be advised that my dialog with you here and my willingness to have dialog with you at all

is a matter of utter privilege, ancient of days indeed.

The reign and the rule of religious control and monastic order that would set out to separate out

masculine and feminine principle in order to continue to bind the feminine principle,

and therein also bind the masculine principle, to keep the clocks of time in frequency locks

to extend this game/not game, that is based in religiosity, any further upon the time line

is concluded.

It is finished. It is well past noon.

You must understand that the reason in which edicts were so issued to eradicate this bloodline

is because those e.t. factors on the topside of all of the lines of Rome were, and still are in part, reptilian

in their species orientation and in fact and indeed established the quality of religiosity that was both past and current present for the purpose of the enslavement of the human species and the mining of the genetic gold of the species, through what would be termed looking outside of the self to a greater authority, and therein to be capped and to be bound with the frequency locks of religious law, implemented and self-policed through the principles of guilt and shame

and through church law, particularly relative to birth control, that would ultimately allow for the population

to be primarily ruled under, through, and by papal authority in order to harvest the energy of the bodies themselves from a position behind the cloth and off-planet.

And therein the edicts of elimination were based upon the great fear that in literal fact

true knowledge would interrupt that plan for total control of a planet and its peoples,

and certainly they were accurate, in that knowledge is ultimately freedom from fear

and religion itself is fear based, regardless of its sect, and regardless of its denomination,

and regardless of its ethnicity, for all religion is reptilian created in order that humanity would bow down

and fall upon its knees, so to speak, through the cyclings of many ages in the implementation

of that great plan, indeed reptilian, for the total control of an entire planet and an entire solar system

and all of the life therein contained.

And of course that is the very basis of entropy itself and the entropic pursuit of a sterile reptilian species

that originated with the rape of the frequency locks and biosphere of the original Garden

and the theft of the gold, indeed The Golden Thread, primordial genetic,

for the purpose of harvest and for the purpose of sustenance,

that it be harvested and consumed under great cloak indeed and from behind many closed doors indeed

in order to sustain an already well nigh extinct reptilian species.

However it is well past noon, the cosmic contract is concluded, the planet Earth is in her final ascent

unto the reclamation of common sense and reason, and unto the golden dawning of a new day,

and unto the liberation of the species, that original sovereignty is so reclaimed collectively and individually, and that the birthright of this species is granted and reclaimed from those who have stolen it

through their magic and through their Eucharist, and through that dynasty of vampires

that unto what is termed the light of a new day, yea indeed the enlightenment of the species itself,

so it is that sovereignty is re-established among you, and your ongoing immortality is claimed consciously, and the authority therein never again deferred to what would be termed a greater power

outside of the individual self.

Sir Laurence is entirely accurate in his consideration that the missing gospels are those that would indicate an equality of the masculine and feminine principle in relationship to the alchemy of the ages

and therein quite specifically two knights upon a single steed,

masculine and feminine principle,

incarnate as one being in two bodies,

husband and wife,

in an unto forever dimensional union

that, through the alchemy of the reunion of the masculine and feminine principle

so would number thirteen, The Golden Thread, primordial genetic,

so be activated by those two knights that are one, upon a single steed, Lady knight unto forever wife

and husbandman knight unto forever husband, that in that union would come forth the hormonic elixir

and the substance that would allow for fusion, and therein the liberation of that particular molecule.

And where those records have so been removed and are still held within the vaults of time,

so it is that they were removed in order to create literally and actually more artificial and constructed time

in which these two principles, clockwise and counter-clockwise, could never come together

in equality, and in union, and in harmony, and in balance.

For in their coming together in that fashion, so do those mated pairs begin to formulate what has been termed the hundred and forty four thousand, which in literal fact are the number of nadis within the central nervous system, that when so activated begin to light up, and the data, that is living data, that it is possible at all, begins to penetrate the very fabric of this matrix that is this constructed holographic universe,

and in the realization of the possibility that it takes two,

in fact and indeed,

one that are two that are one

an unto forever mated pair,

then the hive mentality of what has been termed the distorted understanding of oneness,

begins to erode at the same time the feminine principle continues to ascend

from having been cast out and bound in the frequency locks of guilt and shame,

and as that feminine principle ascends into original position of

First Cause,

then so does that Lady knight once again come upon the capacity to quite literally anoint

not only with oil but with hormonic tears, from her very body, and from her very sacred fluids,

that create an electrical arcing and an electrical phenomenon that is purely hormonic in its nature,

that she then quite literally, shall we say, with her primordial understanding, changes her gentleman knight, that is her unto forever mate, from a knight unto a king, who, in his gratitude to her,

in that great and sacred alchemical marriage, then claims her once again at the next level

of his greater understanding, to make her his unto forever queen.

And the royalty and the nobility of maturity and ancient of days wisdom is therein so implemented

and incarnate in the body of those two knights upon a single steed,

unto the dimensional realization of liberation itself.

It is very clever of you, Sir Laurence, to come upon the clear realization that Joseph of Arimathea

was in fact the elder brother of Yeshu, and putting that into perspective, then let us give you a little bit of a clue here about what has been termed "crucifixion".

Within the context of what you have discovered here, perhaps it is that you can begin to understand that the crucifixion that took place was in fact a quality of humiliation of Yeshu, in which certain agreements were made that Yeshu would be publicly humiliated and that the title that he had so, in a manner of speaking, acquired for himself, would in fact pass again into the hands of his brother James,

and it is that agreement that pleased the Romans quite nicely and appeased them momentarily as well,

while it is that Yeshu, and I of course, transported ourselves to the South of France, where it is that James, indeed the Joseph Ha Rama Theo, had land holdings there, and where we, upon our arrival there, built a great ascension portal in frequency, in a garden there, in the South of France, that we could literally step through and out, and review the situation from the topside, to see how it is that the knowledge that we had seeded in that sojourn would take root and bloom, and of course, predictably speaking, upon our departure, the reptilian contingencies that are the originators of this hologram and this holographic universe, distorted out that knowledge, by further separating out, once again, the masculine and feminine principle, through the castration of my husband, by turning him into a celibate shepherd,

and by turning me into a harlot and a whore.

None the less, it is finished, it is well past noon, otherwise it would be foolish indeed for me to have this quality of a dialog with the two of you, impeccable and well grounded gentlemen.

I will dialog with you briefly, prior to continuing to listen to the "trilateral" interview now,

as it is that Mr. Strieber has come on line to continue interview and dialog.

And I will dialog with you what Mr. Strieber has so indicated as the science of the soul,

taught by Yeshu, and indeed by me, The Magdalene, relative to what we have termed already,

two knights upon a single steed,

the masculine and feminine principle,

come together as clockwise and counter-clockwise movement,

in union, in harmony, and in balance.

You may consider that that is the foundational teaching of light itself,

relative to the soul technology of ascension and liberation.

You may consider that that which is termed negative electrum is relative to the counter-clockwise motion of that which is termed feminine, and you may consider that positive electrum is relative to the clockwise motion of that which is termed masculine.

The teaching of the soul technology is the understanding of the relationship of the movement of those two forces of light,

in phase lock, one unto the other.

It is, and has been, the greatly distorted and misunderstood science of these principles that has been the basis of what could be termed the light and the dark.

Those who must lower the frequency of light into that quality of adolescence, in order to have

a "dark force" to fight, to validate their identity, in their misunderstanding of the pure principle of light itself, are as well those who would continue to bind the feminine principle, within and through that adolescent consideration of "the forces of darkness" as opposed to "the forces of light".

However beyond that realm of adolescent folly, it is clearly understood that both the existence and the production of light itself requires a positive and a negative pole.

And therein the science of the soul, that is cloaked in the understanding of

two knights upon a single steed,

is quite literally the alchemy of the understanding of positive and negative electrum,

indeed two lights that are one light,

that is the ancient teaching of which you have begun to speak here,

at this current level of your interview and dialog.

Let us make it clear that the singular point of light that is within the circle

is a quantum event, that can be dimensionally unpacked and unfolded,

that contains within it the dimensional understanding of omnipresent existence itself,

and that singular point of light is, in fact and indeed, on axis, and therein the door.

You have pointed out here that Yeshu's intent was in fact unity and unification.

And certainly, philosophically speaking, you could say simply, that is because every person is a member

of a single family, and that is The Family of Life Itself.

And so the intent, two thousand years ago, was in fact to lay down, quite literally, a specific template that would ultimately allow all of the members of The Family of Life Itself, to unite with the principle of life,

and therein the teaching, celebrate, and bring forth life more abundantly.

However, beyond that philosophical consideration, albeit true, there is a much more basic consideration that was activated by Yeshu at that time, that is genetic.

For in fact and indeed, the human genome is based upon thirteen strands of DNA.

The thirteenth strand could be said to be The Golden Thread, that is latent within the genetic,

upon which are attached twelve additional strands of DNA, from many different creator houses,

that have been involved in this experiment, that is currently termed humanity.

And if you will overlay that genetic consideration of twelve and thirteen, you will begin to understand

why it is that you are told that Yeshu brought along the template of twelve disciples,

and himself as number thirteen, and certainly you may then consider Mr. Henry's specifically accurate and brilliantly understood declaration that the body is the temple, as you would consider then the exact neurological overlay within the central nervous system of twelve cranial nerves, and the great brain itself as number thirteen.

And of course, what then becomes obvious, is it not that there must be relationship between the twelve numbers on the clock, wherein the question would arise,

when is it thirteen o'clock?

And that of course is indicated in the simple phrase,

it is well past noon.

And then of course, the question must arise,

what is the significance of that, and what happens when the clock cannot strike thirteen o'clock,

by its very makeup, in that thirteen is nowhere visible upon the clock?

And the answer to that question is that the clock is "constructed time", and artificial time, within the cogs and the workings of the machine, indeed the holographic universe, as you know it to be.

And therein, thirteen o'clock is the point at which artificial and constructed time yokes and meets, quite naturally, with real and ongoing eternal time, and that time is


And if you put these pieces together, you will begin to understand that there are literal clocks,

that are celestial, and that are lunar, and that are stellar, and that are biological,

and that are neurological, and that are genetic

that are all lining up, in relationship to the clocks that you would call cosmic,

that are the precession of many equinoxes indeed, and much more, that, as all of the clocks

continue an alignment, doors and windows open, and doors and windows close,

through which there is an inflow of knowledge, and data, and insight, and information,

indeed, to be "enlightened" and "in knowledge of",

and that as those windows and doors open and close, and clocks align,

so it is that you begin to understand the very nature of the computer program itself,

that is the holographic universe, in which you have been, shall we say, held, likened unto a great womb,

through the travesties of these ages, that now, in the alignment of these times, so it is that the crack in the cosmic egg so reveals itself, neither to be a crack, nor a crack pot, but indeed the golden egg itself.

And that, through the movement of these mighty precessions, and the influx of light, and therein the influx of greater life itself, and data and information, from the prime galactic core, so are you, allegorically hatching, indeed emerging, from that great golden egg, as a new quality of species, that has never been, and that never shall be again,

in that you are amalgamated of so many different lines, to comprise a single family,

and that is The Family of Life Itself, that you are.

And as you simply lay aside your prejudice and your bigotry, and I am speaking to you collectively here, Gentlemen, as well as individually, and as you lay aside your considerations of "good e.t.s and bad e.t.s", and as you lay aside your consideration of "light and dark forces", you will quite naturally emerge through the membrane of adolescent limitation itself, and you will be at peace with the wars that you fight inside of yourself, in your battle, that comes from the swing of the pendulum between adolescence and maturity, and then you will realize why it is that both my husband's intent and my intent, two thousand years ago, was in fact and indeed to seed those realities with knowledge,

that as that knowledge bloomed and extended itself with all of you into these times,

that your wars of great division and adolescent apartheid would cease, in the presence of the common sense and reason renewed of the singularity of all life and all existence

here, there, and everywhere

and that, in the accomplishment of peace, so would an entire planet and its peoples,

that were captured a long time ago, to be indeed herded like sheep for the purpose of harvest

and the harvest of gold, would so ascend, once again, back to that original point of sovereignty that pre-existed the original fall, and come upon enlightenment and realization, and quite technical, literal, physical liberation, all at the same time.

So Be It, Gentlemen.

Certainly in light of the brilliance of your current understanding,

perhaps it is that our mail to you here will assist you just a little,

in broadening your perspective.

However, we are well aware that you are aware, Mr. Henry and Sir Laurence,

that what you have presented to the public, for public venue, is certainly only the very tip

of perhaps not the ice berg, Mr. Strieber, but most certainly you have touched and presented the hem of the garment itself.

And you are quite correct, dear Mr. Henry, it is indeed a garment of light,

however, remember, it is also quite physical indeed,

for your body is the coagulation of light itself,

and therefore the temple of light,

scala dei,

and therein the tool of realization of light itself,

so don't leave it behind, collecting saffron dust by the side of the road,

you really can take it with you, Ho Tekton.

Therefore Gentlemen, by all means proceed, for you are coming upon, even as we have this dialog together, a level of frequency, and as you remember that frequency is location and location is frequency, you will come upon a literal new location, that will be the Rosetta stone for you,

yea verily indeed, even as a rose is a rose is arose,

that will allow you to bring all of the pieces of the great mystery, and all of the shattered pieces of the mirror, as Mr. Henry so specifically and rightly describes it, all together once again,

in peace, and in utter wholeness, that will allow you to ascend, through the great portal,

that is indeed the great door unto both the final and beginning realization at the same time,

that reverses this course of entropy and need, all the way back to Eden.

Please if you would, dear Mr. Henry, forward this mail to dear Sir Laurence.

Thank you very much indeed,


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